How Can a Registered Dietitian Help You?

A registered dietitian is uniquely qualified to help you meet your health goals. Whether you are trying to lose weight, manage a medical condition, or simply aiming for a healthier diet. Their expertise allows them to guide you effectively in making beneficial changes to improve your overall health while still enjoying the foods you love.

Numerous insurance plans now offer coverage for preventive nutrition counseling and medical nutrition therapy. We can assist you in understanding how to utilize your health benefits, to start you on your path towards better health.

Amy Woodman RD

Amy began her professional journey as a veterinary technician, dedicating several years to the field of veterinary care. It was during her training for her first marathon that she developed a interest in nutrition and witnessed firsthand the significant impact it can have on performance. Motivated by this experience, Amy pursued her studies in nutrition at the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford, where she successfully obtained her degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. She further honed her skills by completing an internship at Mercy Medical Center in Springfield. Prior to establishing her own practice, Amy gained valuable experience working as a clinical dietitian.

Amy is a Granby resident and enjoys various outdoor activities such as hiking, running, and bird watching, as well as spending time with her family.